2015年4月24日 星期五

Girls Charged For Cyber-Bullying 網路霸凌

NPR 20131016 Girls Charged For Cyber-Bullying 一分鐘英聽練習(含video, mp3及克漏字)

NPR 20131016 Girls Charged For Cyber-Bullying 原文官網

NPR 20131016 Girls Charged For Cyber-Bullying .mp3

NPR 20131016 Girls Charged For Cyber-Bullying .doc

Girls Charged For Cyber-Bullying Girl Who Committed Suicide
In central Florida, the arrests   of two middle school girls have shaken   the community.
The pair is charged with felonies 重罪 in a case of alleged 涉嫌 cyber-bullying   網路霸凌
that led to a
suicide   自殺 of a 12-year-old girl.
According   to   authorities, 當局、官方 the girls began to bully Rebecca
when the 14-year-old suspect
嫌犯 began   dating   Rebecca's ex-boyfriend.
The girl initiated 發動 physical   fights   with Rebecca
convinced   說服 others to join in the bullying  .
Authorities   say the suspects   bullied the girl for more than a year,
辱罵 her in-person and then online.
The abuse
凌虐 continued   even after the girl changed   schools.
The Internet has changed the dynamics 力道 of bullying  ,
often making victims
feel   like   they can't get away. 逃脫
Bullying really used   to   be   almost a Monday through Friday, 8 to 4
kind of
event   that we saw centered 集中 around   schools.
And, you know, most students felt if they could get   through   撐過 to that Friday at 4:00,
they have the weekend to hope that things would kind of
die   down  . 沉寂、逐漸消失
But with the advent 出現 of social   media   and smartphones  ,
bullies   have constant access 持續性的管道(接近) to their victims  .
Because   of   that, parents need to be more vigilant 警戒的 monitoring   監看、追蹤
their children's online   interactions  . 互動、動態

In central Florida, the arrests 逮捕 of two middle school girls have shaken 震驚 the community.
The pair is charged with felonies 重罪 in a case of alleged 涉嫌 cyber-bullying   網路霸凌
that led to a suicide   
自殺 of a 12-year-old girl.
According   to   authorities, 當局、官方 the girls began to bully Rebecca
when the 14-year-old suspect
嫌犯 began   dating   Rebecca's ex-boyfriend.
The girl initiated 發動 physical   fights   with Rebecca
and convinced   
說服 others to join in the bullying  .
Authorities   say the suspects   bullied the girl for more than a year,
辱罵 her in-person and then online.
The abuse
凌虐 continued   even after the girl changed   schools.
The Internet has changed the dynamics 力道 of bullying  ,
often making victims feel   like   they can't get away.
Bullying really used   to   be   almost a Monday through Friday, 8 to 4
kind of event   that we saw centered
集中 around   schools.
And, you know, most students felt if they could get   through   撐過 to that Friday at 4:00,
they have the weekend to hope that things would kind of die   down  .
But with the advent 出現 of social   media   and smartphones  ,
bullies   have constant access
持續性的管道(接近) to their victims  .
Because   of   that, parents need to be more vigilant 警戒的 monitoring   監看、追蹤
their children's online   interactions  . 互動、動態

